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Organization Profile

(Click the Image Above to Watch this World Relief Welcome Video)

Global Reach

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization whose mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. We aim to tackle the world’s greatest problems with holistic, locally-driven solutions that lead to lasting change — whether in response to disastersextreme povertyviolence, oppression or mass displacement and immigration. World Relief’s work in the United States, specifically, focuses on helping refugees and other immigrants in vulnerable situations rebuild their lives in a new country.

Local Impact

At World Relief North Texas, for over 40 years we have come alongside refugees and other immigrants in vulnerable situations as they rebuild their lives in the United States. We have worked since 1980 to empower the local church to walk alongside refugees and immigrants in the DFW area.

For decades, we have empowered churches, community organizations and individuals like you to adapt to the challenges of the moment for the sake of refugees. As the demand for our services has increased in recent years, we have expanded our work beyond refugees to include all immigrants in vulnerable situations.

Today, World Relief North Texas is part of a national network of offices through which over 400,000 immigrants and refugees have been welcomed into this country.

Church Centered Holistic Sustainable
Working with the local church is not only a good strategy, it's at the very heart of our work. We believe that God gave us a plan to save our broken world and that it begins with his church, and his people, leading the way. We want to see local churches creating and leading change in their communities. We believe in the transformation of the whole person — mind, body, and spirit. That's why our programs focus on addressing the root causes of poverty, vulnerability, and injustice. Beyond physical change, we focus on driving mental, social, and spiritual transformation. We understand that lasting change requires more than quick fixes and band-aid solutions. We prioritize the leadership and participation of those we serve, whether people, churches, or local institutions, as critical to creating and sustaining change. Many of our staff are immigrants themselves and have a deep understanding of the challenges our clients face.

Refugee & Immigration
Families, Immigrants, Refugees or Asylum Seekers, ESL, Disaster Victims
Fort Worth, Texas, 76164

Common Messages